The Helpful Hipster

Helpful Hipster is back in stock!!

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  • Life is short, do what you love

    "Stiff and painful hips sidelined my pickleball games. Thanks to the Hipster, I'm now back playing three times a week, pain free." - Ruth W.

  • Decrease your risk of injury

    Athletes with less than 30 degrees of hip internal rotation are over twice as likely to have a lower extremity injury during their season.

  • Help Manage Hip Arthritis Pain

    "The surgeon wouldn't replace my hip until I lost weight. The Helpful Hipster was the only thing that addressed my pain enough so I could exercise to lose the weight" - Robert T.

  • Low Back Pain with Golf

    The average PGA tour player has over 45 degrees of hip internal rotation. When your hips don't rotate well the torque they can't absorb has to be absorbed by your low back.